GSI's fair booth concept was satisfactory too. The fair booth offered space for the exchange of specialist opinions and for advice about joining technology.
After the fair is before the fair. GSI used these words in order to conclude the DVS EXPO and DVS CONGRESS event which took place in Nuremberg on September 14 17, 2015. A good moment in order to publish an insight into the event.
GSI was involved in the DVS EXPO and the DVS CONGRESS in a large number of ways: on the one hand, with the daily advice about welding technology on GSI's fair booth including the offer for companies and specialists to register in the GSI SLV Specialists Centre and, on the other hand, with the organisation of the VWTS Show in which impressive virtual welding training systems (VWTSs) found their places for tests and demonstrations.
GSI's fair booth concept was satisfactory too. The fair booth offered space for the exchange of specialist opinions and for advice about joining technology. The available range went down well and the inquiries met the expectations in full. Moreover, a GSI Party on the fair booth offered the appropriate setting for additional good discussions.
17 lectures and seven chairpersons of discussions with the participation of GSI became possible during the DVS CONGRESS. In their lectures, GSI's representatives dealt with the subjects of process developments, automation, training in DVS (training of welding coordinators and modern welder training) also using welding training systems, materials engineering and the auditing and certification of companies. GSI provided specialist input with regard to the programme as well and supplemented the Programme Commission with five GSI experts.
VWTS Show - Virtual welding training systems at the DVS EXPO
On its own booth, GSI was able to bring the developers and manufacturers of the VWTSs together for a presentation of the modern training possibilities. With great commitment, the experts provided information about the utilisation of the following devices in the training: VRTEX 360 (Lincoln Electric), Virtual Welding (Fronius), Soldamatic (Seabery), WeldTrainer (Apolo) and GSI SLV Schweißtrainer (SLV Halle GmbH). In addition, visitors to the fair were able to try out their manual skills in welding technology themselves on the devices. Watch the video of the VWTS Show at the DVS EXPO 2015.
Robot Welding Competition
The Robot Welding Competition was staged for the first time and was a total success. GSI not only participated in the fields of the Qualification Testing Commission and the workpiece preparation but also provided the compere of the event. During the competition, the international participants made full use of their 60 minutes for the complicated programming of the welding robots in order to weld the competition workpiece properly thereafter. For the three first winners, GSI sponsored three education vouchers for GSI's training and further education. Watch the video of the Robot Welding Competition at Youtube.
After the fair is before the fair
All in all, the DVS EXPO 2015 and the DVS CONGRESS 2015 offered a good preparation for the coming events in the next few years, e.g. the premier international fair for transport technology InnoTrans 2016 in Berlin, the 19th World Conference on Non-Destructive Testing WCNDT 2016 in Munich and the premier global fair Schweissen & Schneiden 2017 in Düsseldorf.
Contact: Vincenzo Coda