GSI – Gesellschaft für Schweißtechnik international mbH
SLV – Schweißtechnische Lehr- und Versuchsanstalten
Schweißtechnik - WeiterbildungschweißenSchweißtechnik Indrustrie

IIW Meeting Paris, 02-02 / 05-02-2015.

1.    Regional Activities (02-February 2015)
Christoph Eßer-Ayertey promoted the 3rd International Conference of Welding Trainer 2015 which will be held on the 16 September 2015 in Nuremberg.
Many countries presented either their new coming events or their recently held activities. Some examples:
•    YPIC 2015 event: 2nd Young Welding Professionals International Conference, Hungary
•    68th IIW Annual Assembly and International Conference, Helsinki
Other countries: France, China, Netherlands, Brasil, Bulgaria, Canada
Canada launched the idea/ intention to organise the first IIW Arctic Region Conference for surrounding countries in the Arctic Region due to the rapidly increasing activities in this region.

2.    IAB Group A, Education, Training and Qualification (03-February-2015)
Most important topics:
•    Within this Group A the most important change to be expected will be the total revision of the IIW Guideline IAB-252r2 containing the information regarding IWE, IWT, IWS and IWP. The focus will be pointed to the learning outcomes which have to become more clear and understandable in accordance with the European Qualifications Framework (EQF).
•    After 15 years chairmanship of Christian Ahrens’ (GSI-SLV) for working group WGA#2a this chairmanship has been transferred to Roger van den Brekel (GSI-SLV).
•    Henk Bodt (EWF President) announced that major changes are to be expected for several Standards like the ISO 14731 in the near future.

3.    IAB Group B, Implementation, Authorisation and Certification (04-February-2015)
Most important topics:
•    Germany got an extension of scope for Distance Learning for IWS
•    Christian Ahrens (GSI-SLV) has been re-elected as Lead Assessor for the period of 3 years.

4.    IAB Members Meeting (05-February-2015)
The European Law did have a great impact on this IAB Members Meeting.
The IIW system, having many EU-country members, faces just like the EWF-system also the consequences of the EU legislation defining that no barriers are allowed for people, goods, services, and money inside the European Union.
The members agreed anonymously to comply with this EU-legislation and a solution has to be found to change the EWF- and IIW internal Operating Procedures as soon as possible.

Further informations: Roger van den Brekel

